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Marijuana and Beyond: Critical Updates for Your Drug Testing Program

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When we hold our popular Keeping Up with Compliance webinar sessions with Asurint General Counsel Kelly Uebel, we’re always (and we mean always) asked about marijuana use and the workplace.  

We get it. The landscape has changed rapidly—from 2012 when recreational cannabis was first legalized in Colorado and Washington to today, when it’s been legalized for medicinal use in 37 states (plus three territories and the District of Columbia) and legalized recreationally by 21 states (plus two territories and the District of Columbia). Oregon, and now Colorado, have even legalized substances other than cannabis.  

Given this explosion of legislation, it’s difficult to know what’s legal—and feasible—regarding candidate drug screening. And employers are confused about random drug testing, accident follow-up, and other practices. 

New Webinar Covers Key Topics

Once again, Asurint is here to help with our newest webinar, Marijuana and Beyond: Critical Updates for Your Drug Testing Program

This is your chance to dive deep into drug testing-related topics. Marc Bertrand, Asurint’s Director of Drug Testing, joins Kelly Uebel to discuss: 

  • COVID-19 and the lingering impacts on drug testing
  • Marijuana and the midterm elections—what happened and what does it mean?
  • ​​​​​Key legislative and litigation developments you really need to know about. 

Webinar Recording Now Available - Marijuana and Beyond

New! Our 50 State Guide: Drug Testing Laws 

We’re also pleased to announce a brand new addition to our Asurint resource library. The ebook, 50 State Guide: Drug Testing Laws, now takes its place alongside our 50 State Guide: Employment and Hiring Laws for Background Screening and offers more detail on the evolving employer environment surrounding drug testing. It looks at laws that affect employers’ ability to conduct drug testing, consider drug test results, and regulate their workplaces. 

You can be among the first to access the most recent roundup of drug testing updates. View Marijuana and Beyond, and download the ebook 50 State Guide: Drug Testing Laws.  

December days will soon fade, but marijuana and drug testing issues will be with us into 2023 and beyond. Take the time to get up to date now, so you can plan for the future, today.