Looking back on 2018, there was a lot of news and updates hitting the hiring industry. While there are some new trends to look out for, many that appeared in the last year or two have spilled over into 2019 because hot topics like Ban the Box and marijuana legalization have begun to build up and gain momentum state to state. Since laws and regulations are ever-evolving in the hiring industry, it’s important for you and your team to stay up-to-date so that you can stay safe and compliant throughout the hiring lifecycle.
“How do I keep up with everything and reach my hiring goals at the same time?” you might be wondering. We get it. The recruiting industry is fast-paced and focused on getting the best candidates in the door of your organization first before anyone else can hire them. At Asurint, we’re always looking out for you and your team. We’ve been keeping a close eye on what’s been coming down the pike and want to share with you our findings in our latest whitepaper, “2019 Background Screening Trends: What’s in Store for the Industry”.
This whitepaper covers a high-level overview of five major trends we’ve seen in the background screening industry that may have an impact on HR professionals like yourself. Here are two of the topics we’ll cover:
“How do I keep up with everything and reach my hiring goals at the same time?” you might be wondering. We get it. The recruiting industry is fast-paced and focused on getting the best candidates in the door of your organization first before anyone else can hire them. At Asurint, we’re always looking out for you and your team. We’ve been keeping a close eye on what’s been coming down the pike and want to share with you our findings in our latest whitepaper, “2019 Background Screening Trends: What’s in Store for the Industry”.
This whitepaper covers a high-level overview of five major trends we’ve seen in the background screening industry that may have an impact on HR professionals like yourself. Here are two of the topics we’ll cover:
Ban the Box
Ban the Box gained momentum as more and more courts passed historic legislation that went into effect in 2018 in individual states, counties, and U.S. territories. This trend is expected to continue in 2019. Employers must be aware of the Ban the Box laws in effect in their area and stay in compliance with the law in order to avoid potential litigation against them. Read more in our whitepaper, but also don’t forget to download our comprehensive 50 State Guide on the topic which covers Ban the Box, Salary History Ban and Credit Check Restriction laws for private employers.